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Full Stack Developer | Node.js, Typescript, and Javascript Specialist

Current role: Associate Principal Engineer

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A dynamic engineer with 10+ years of experience in software design, web development, game design, GDK development, and integration. Seeking a challenging position as an engineering lead where I can use my skills and experience to deliver innovative solutions.

Committed to continuous learning and staying at the forefront of technology trends. Specialized in full stack, with expertise in JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, Angular, Python, and artificial intelligence.

  • Programming Languages: JavaScript, TypeScript, Python
  • Frameworks and Tools: Node.js, Angular, React, NestJS, NextJS, MongoDB
  • AI and ML: Machine Learning, Deep Learning, CNN
  • Other Skills: Game Development, GDK Development, Automation


Aristocrat Technologies Pvt Ltd, Gurugram — Associate Principal Engineer

November 2019 - Present

  • Advocated and managed the tech stack, leading the development and maintenance of the game development kit.
  • Reduced game delivery time by 40% through process automation across various jurisdictions.
  • Managed a team of 6, providing training in Node.js, NestJS, Angular, React, and NextJS.
  • Collaborated with the design team to create functional mock-ups and develop social and real-world currency-based slot games.
  • Led game integrations for various markets, enhancing product reach and performance.

Vratam Consultants Pvt Ltd, Pune — Senior Software Engineer

September 2014 - October 2019

  • Delivered a custom framework for the UM client, now utilized by multiple teams for web app creation.
  • Collaborated with the UI design team for mockups, implemented core reusable components, and worked on backend development.
  • Improved application performance by 20% through backend optimizations and full stack development.
  • Integrated telephony lines and reCAPTCHA, and provided support for message-related operations and voice transcription.


  • IIIT, Delhi — PG Diploma in Artificial Intelligence [October 2021 - January 2023]
  • CDAC-ACTS, Pune — PG Diploma in Advanced Computing [February 2014 - August 2014]
  • RGGI, Meerut — Bachelor’s in Technology (CSE) [2012 Passout]


  • Best Employee of the Month - Multiple times for outstanding project management and delivery.
  • Best Presentation Award for 2023 IEEE 13th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop.
  • Best AI Capstone Project Award of the Year.
  • Unique Final Year Project during B.Tech.


  • Presented the research paper "CNN Based Study of Improvised Food Image Classification" in the 2023 IEEE 13th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop, awarded as the best research presentation.